Youth Leaders Media Kit

Introduce your students to the life-changing ministry of Mahaffey Camp!

There are countless reasons why a week at Mahaffey Youth Camps is life-changing.  At Mahaffey Camp, kids and teens can:
  • “Disconnect” from the burdens of technology and social media
  • Make lifelong friendships and meet positive mentors
  • Hear powerful, relevant messages that will challenge them in their walk of faith
  • Learn to work with others as a team, building social and communication skills
  • Overcome challenges by trying something new or stepping out of their “comfort zone”
  • Be spiritually renewed and restored, returning to their schools, churches, and communities as strengthened ambassadors for Christ

Make Connections

We count on YOU, the youth leaders, teachers, pastors, and volunteers, to help us get the word out about Mahaffey Youth Camps! You’re our direct connection to the kids and teens who need to encounter God at camp. Here are a few ways you can help promote our ministries to your youth:

  • Pass out Materials. Send brochures home with your families. Print out our posters and hang them up in your space. We’ll mail you brochures and posters, free of charge! Contact us at (814) 277-5544 to make a request.
  • Share our Media. Show a camp promo video to your group. Use our shareable images on your social media pages as promo.
  • Set up a Church Scholarship Fund. Ask the members of your congregation to sponsor youth within your church to go to camp. Let your church know how life-changing camp can be for the next generation, and what a valuable investment it is into the lives of your youngest church members.
  • Set up a “Learn and Earn” Incentive. Have your youth earn “camp dollars” by memorizing scripture or completing acts of service. Not only will you bless them with a week at camp, but you’ll instill great values in them as they “earn” their camp adventure!
  • Request a Camp Presentation. If you’d like a camp representative to come speak with your group about our ministries, fill out the online form below!
  • Keep us in Prayer. It takes an incredible amount of staff and volunteer dedication to make camp happen every year. We appreciate your prayers as we head into the craziness of another summer!

Camp Promo Videos

Visit our promo video library to download videos that you can share with your youth group, congregation, club, or other organization.

2024 Youth Camp Materials

Utilize these materials to promote Youth Camps with your students!

*To request hard copies, please contact the camp office at (814) 277-5544.

Media for Promo

Use the following images for promotion of Mahaffey Youth Camps on your church or group’s social media pages.

Want to see us in person?

Request a camp presentation! Camp representatives are available to come present the ministries of Mahaffey Camp to your church congregation, youth group, club, or other organization. We’ll show a video and give a short presentation, plus bring our eye-catching display table to provide info. We’ll even play some games with your group, if you want!